7 Awesome Carpet Cleaning Tips And Tricks [Don’t Miss]

carpet cleaning tips and tricks

Everyone knows how easily carpets in our house can get dirty, and we’re sure you’re also aware of this too. With all the tough and stubborn carpet stains and odors to manage, cleaning carpets by yourself isn’t an easy job, that’s why many people hire a professional carpet cleaning company to get the job done for them.

But in this article, we have curated our top 7 carpet cleaning tips and tricks that you can instantly apply at the comfort of your house, without spending lots of money on it.

So without further ado, here are the carpet cleaning tips that you can use right now:

1. Don’t Scrub The Stains, Blot Them

What comes first to your mind when you spill something on your carpet and causes stains? To scrub them right? Well, the idea of quickly scrubbing them in order to remove the stains may sound good initially, but it may be not the best idea.

This is because by scrubbing the stains, you tend to drive them down further the carpet fur, which makes cleaning it becomes more difficult. The trick here is to gently blot or dab stains with a cleaning solution and a clean cloth, paper towel, or sponge.

2. Try Using Shaving Cream

That’s right, shaving cream does have a better use than just on your face. No matter how long the stains have been on your carpet, shaving cream can do a wonder for you.

Simply spray the cream on the stains on the carpet and let it sit there for about 30 minutes. After that, use either a sponge or a cloth to gently blot them. You’ll be surprised as to how easily those stains are getting wiped out.

3. Baking Soda Can Save Your Life

As you probably know, oil can be fairly difficult to remove the carpet, and by using a bit of baking soda, you can easily remove them. This carpet cleaning tip is super effective if you can’t remove them simply by washing using hot water and dabbing.

All you have to do is apply it liberally on the carpet and leave it until the baking soda absorbs the stain and for a sort of dry crust, which you can effectively vacuum and leave you with a much lighter stain. After the oil has been removed, you can proceed with the dabbing.

Besides removing oil from your carpet, baking soda can also use to absorb pet smells from the carpets as well. Just apply the baking soda liberally on the carpet and you can continue cleaning with the mess. See how useful it is! Truly a life savior.

4. Remove Stain With An Iron

This carpet cleaning tip and trick is definitely something you can take home with. Have you ever wondered how to remove hard stains like candle wax off your carpet? Well, you can easily do it with the hep of hot iron.

Simply place a wet cloth over the hard stain and pace the iron on the cloth. Leave it for a few minutes and those hard stains should easily get dissolved. Moreover, you can also use iron to remove spots by using a mixture of water and vinegar on a ratio of 3:1 and pour this over the cloth, which was initially placed over the stains.

Then repeat the same process using the iron. The heat from the iron will cause the spots to evaporate and get sucked by the cloth, and hence they are removed.

5. Use Hydrogen Peroxide As A Homemade Carpet Cleaner

If you’re looking for an effective deep carpet cleaning method, then this tip is for you. Hydrogen peroxide is a fantastic carpet cleaner on its own. It can be used to effectively remove other type of stains, which otherwise, can’t be removed using simple hot water and cleaners.

Sure, you can use other strong carpet cleaning chemicals, but that can have a hazardous effect on both the environment and your carpet fabric. So hydrogen peroxide is the best organic ingredient for being your go-to homemade carpet cleaner.

It can be used to remove things like nail polish stain, blood stain, color spills, etc. To use it, simply apply full-strength hydrogen peroxide directly to the stain. The solution will immediately start to foam and fizz when it contacts so don’t be surprised. Wait a few minutes, then blot up the hydrogen peroxide and remaining blood with a white cotton cloth or paper towels.

6. Use Ice Cube For Gums

Another trick you can use is to remove gums from your carpet using ice cube. The idea here is to freeze the gums using ice and gently removed the frozen gums off the carpets.

So grab an ice cube and rub it on the gums for about 30 to 45 seconds until the gums are solid frozen. Then use a spoon or a knife to slowly lift up the glob. As easy as it sounds.

7. Deodorizer Recipe

Last but not least is to eliminate bad odors off your carpet. But if you have kids or pets at home, you wouldn’t want to use the harmful substances to do this job. So what you need? A homemade carpet deodorizer that you can easily do at home and most importantly, 100% safe for the health.

The recipe is simple. Start with one to two tablespoons of Borax in a large container. Follow the Borax with 10 drops of essential oil, but before settling on one you best research how strong the smell is and what scents might irritate your pets since they have a lot more sensitive sense of smell. Last, follow this with two cups of baking soda.

Baking soda helps absorb all the bad smells while Borax helps kill germs in the air. Thus, this mixture serves as a perfect combination of carpet deodorizer that is completely safe for health.


And that’s all for the carpet cleaning tips and tricks that you can instantly apply right now, at your home, using your household ingredients.

Remember that a clean and fresh carpet is vital for everyone’s health in the house. Dirty carpets can lead to serious and long term health problems like asthma and allergies. So make sure you clean your carpets often, at least once in a week.